15 Blogspot Template with Custom Homepage Layout Design
Holaa, I’m back with digital eye candy especially for my blogger friends who are using Blogspot as their blogging platform. This post is going to be a quick showcase of 15 beautiful blogspot templates that you can purchase and install on your blog. All templates are claimed to be responsive or mobile friendly; but I suggest if you are interested in one of these, please check the way it looks on computer screen and also on mobiles (you can use www.responsinator.com on your computer). Make sure you love it before making a purchase.
What’s different about this collection is that I only pick the ones that have custom homepage design, not a plain-ish or standard blog layout. All templates shown can be purchased from CreativeMarket.com or the sellers’ own websites.
1 | Adelle Responsive Blogger Template by Georgia Lou Studios
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2 | Savannah Responsive Blogger Template by Georgia Lou Studios
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3 | Abigail Responsive Blogger Template by Georgia Lou Studios
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4 | Jemma Responsive Blogger Template by Georgia Lou Studios
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5 | Jenny Blogger Template
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Biasanya tampilan responsive website di smartphone akan menggeser sidebar ke bawah atau malahan hilang sama sekali sidebarnya, tapi tidak begitu untuk template yang satu ini. “Mobile Version the right way” katanya. Jadi ada button icon hamburger yang kalau ditap akan memunculkan konten-konten sidebar.
6 | Aviana Blogger Template
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7 | Estella Blogger Template
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Sama dengan template Jenny di nomor 5; Estella ini juga punya magic button untuk memunculkan konten sidebar.
8 | Stephanie Blogger Template by Sky and Stars
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9 | Oslo Blogger Template by Sky and Stars
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10 | Josephine – Clean Blogger Template by Theme Expose
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11 | Fashion Responsive Blogger Template by Theme Expose
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13 | Adelyn – Blogger Responsive Template by Vefio Themes
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14 | Hello Mars – Blogger Template by Vefio Themes
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15 | Violin – Responsive Blogger Template by Vefio Themes
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Semoga ada salah satu yang kamu suka ya ^^ Kalau ingin tahu di mana lagi bisa beli template blogspot selain CreativeMarket, baca tulisan aku di sini ya : Di mana membeli template Blogger / Blogspot?
cakep-cakep banget, bingung milihnya, sekalian lirik kantung, hehe..
Hehehe take your time milihnya mbaa… btw itu ada yg murah $5 aja, closing sale katanya mah..
waah blogspot sekarang templatenya bagus-bagus yaa
Iyoo.. ternyata banyak juga yg cakep-cakep begini ^^
Semua belinya pake paypal yah Mbak?
Bisa Paypal atau Kartu Kredit langsung mba
Template blog clean memang bikin mata seger dan ga cape baca artikelnya. Apalagi yg dil list mba almazia ini bagus2 semua
Yeayy punya saya udah ala ala template Jenny itu. Emang seru ya mainan template 🙂
Tampilan bersih….banget..n bagus2…pilah pilih dulu..he2
dipilih dipilih kakaa
Ah bikin pingin ganti template 😀
Yess yess yess Alma nulis topik kayak gini lagi hahaha…. *caritemen *colekShintaries
Whuaaaa 😍 cantik-cantik semua sampe bingung milih mupeng salah satunya pokoknya
can i use too for WP mba Alma
Keren-keren euy, pengen ganti template tapi bingung ngopreknya.
Pelan-pelan pasti bisa mas 😀 Atau minta tolong pasangin sama temennya yang lebih gape urusan pengoprekan template blog hehe